Monday, December 7, 2009

IPSec Source for the Written/Lab Exam

It is my 3rd time reading the IPSec chapter and each time I'm learning some new details. One day I'll go through whole book, although some of the chapters are bit outdated. The link to the book:

Also I had privilege to attend recorded session from 2008 Networkers named: "Advanced Topics in Encryption Standards and Protocols"

Both of them are highly recommended.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

CCIE Security Written Exam, tracking my progress

I'm preparing for this exam, and I've decided to share a spreadsheet in which I'm tracking my progress and taking a note of the source that I'm using for the specific topic.

You can check my spreadsheet here:

The plan is to take the exam in 30-45 days from now.

Recently I've read a good comments for this exams in IP Expert blog: